Introduction to TeleCIMT
Supporting the delivery of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) for arm recovery via telehealth (TeleCIMT)
Resources may be used for remote, face-to-face
or mixed models of CIMT delivery

Participant & Supporter Program Resources
All the resources required for you and your supporter to complete a TeleCIMT program under the supervision of a qualified therapist
Therapist Program Resources
All the clinical paperwork required for therapists to administer a TeleCIMT program
Therapist Learning Resources
Recommended education to help therapists navigate the TeleCIMT resources and complete an effective TeleCIMT program
The TeleCIMT Approach
Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a proven arm rehabilitation approach that involves intensive use of your weaker arm whilst wearing a mitt on your stronger arm. CIMT has been developed to improve arm function after a neurological injury, such as after a stroke.
CIMT works on simple ‘use it to improve it’ principles and results in rewiring of the brain as new pathways develop, along with increased arm movement.
TeleCIMT is a three-week home-based CIMT program developed by an international group of therapists experienced in CIMT.
These resources can be used fully via telehealth or for face-to-face and mixed models of CIMT delivery.

About the TeleCIMT team
The TeleCIMT team is known as the TIDE (TeleCIMT International DEvelopment) group. We are passionate about high quality rehabilitation treatment and have voluntarily developed these free resources to help break down current barriers to face-to-face treatment.